Multiple account login in Telegram Desktop: You can now login with multiple accounts in the Telegram Desktop version which doesn’t require the active connection to the phone.Not only that you can edit your videos and photos using its built-in editor. Profile Videos: I am not sure whether this feature is available all However, this feature will allow us to set videos as their profile display.2GB file sharing: Earlier limit was 1.5GB file-sharing Now you can send files with 2GB of size (files or media) unlimited numbers of times.It also bringing a new photo and video editor (!!), improved options to find people nearby (Privacy?), group stats, and new animated emojis.Ī quick look at the Telegram’s new features. Continuing with its popularity and competing for its rival WhatsApp – Telegram’s latest version also gives you to use multiple accounts on the Telegram Desktop app. The popular Telegram messaging client was the 8th most downloaded app (mobile devices only) in Q2 2020.